He had been the "full-time" acting judge for the better part of a year, a position that became available when the elected judge faced criminal charges and disbarment for some of the most hideous acts you can imagine. But now, thanks to a call from the governor, Joe would become the judge of Area II in the Warren County Court. It gave him a nice salary, health insurance, a higher PERS contribution, and a very nice distinction among the members of the Warren County Bar.
Joe was officially sworn in before a crowd that packed the courtroom. There were dignitaries and good friends...and everyone in our family.
"When Joe got the appointment, I asked him whether we should have a small ceremony or maybe open it up to more people," I told the crowd. "And Joe responded, 'I don't know.'"
"Then I asked him whether we should just have punch and cookies or maybe even some sandwiches, and he said, 'I don't know.'"
"I said, 'Joe, you got this job to make decisions. Saying 'I don't know' isn't going to cut it.'"