Sunday, April 28, 2013

Juvenile Court For Our Little Brother? Well, That's Just Perfect

Sometimes, I still see my little brother Joe(y) as a 15-year-old mischievous high school freshman, who generally had a comment on all the family drama around our house and was probably, if the truth be known, the cause of most of it.

His favorite target was our sister Julie, who was a year older than him. He would terrorize her and get such a kick out of himself while doing it, always managing to skirt the jurisdiction of Mom and Dad in doing so. If Joe had ever said, "I have connections. I know the Governor," Julie would have replied, "The only call you're ever getting from the Governor someday is to stop your execution."

And yet now, a generation later, Joe starts a new job tomorrow as Judge of the Warren County Juvenile / Probate Court. He was given that job a month ago when he received a phone call from -- you guessed it -- the Governor's Office. He takes over for Judge Mike Powell, who is now a jurist on the Ohio Twelfth District Court of Appeals.

It's a big deal in our family. And it'll be a good fit. After seven years as a Judge in County Court, Warren County's municipal court, Joe's proven himself as a smart guy and a good judge. He'll do an excellent job. It's easy now to say that, even though it wasn't something any of us would have dreamed of back when he tied Julie's shoelaces together or put garlic in her toothpaste.

We're all proud, and I'm surely Julie is too, as she looks down from heaven (with Dad).

But I can only imagine what Julie would have to say about his new role.

Let's just say she be willing to risk contempt of court charges.

"Juvenile Court? That's just perfect," she'd say.

"Because it takes a juvenile delinquent to know a juvenile delinquent."

And do you know what Joe, the master of all comebacks, would say in response to that?

Not a thing.

Pitty the juvenile who tries to pull a fast one on him. 'Cause it ain't happening.

Good luck, Joe.