Many years from now, when you look back on the finest moments you have ever experienced, you will remember…
…that day when you learned a baby was on the way.
…that day when you met the person who would become your best friend.
…that day when you got the job you always wanted.
…that day when the doctor delivered the news you prayed for.
…that day when you found peace.
When you remember that day, you will remember that it started like any other typical day, with its predictable schedule and normal expectations and the customary worries that always seem to follow you.
But then it happened. In just a few seconds, your day became…
…that day when you became stronger in the face of criticism.
…that day when your recovery turned a corner.
…that day when a wedding was announced.
…that day when an old friend re-entered your life.
…that day when you buried hate.
You will remember it as a day that changed your life. It propelled you in an altogether different direction than you had been going before. You embodied what is meant by the adage, "Don't quit five minutes before the miracle happens."
And do you know what?
That day could be today.